Upcoming Albums

Upcoming Albums – July, 1st

Here are Metal Utopia’s most anticipated albums of the week!

Jared is looking forward to Ironhawk’s Ritual of the Warpath, Parham Gharavaisi’s Prodigy, Conjurer’s Páthos, and In Slumber’s While We Sleep:

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Ironhawk – Ritual of the Warpath

Some heavy-speed-punk out of Tasmania, with a killer black-and-white cover. Dying Victims Productions has a knack for putting out some of the best underground speed metal out there.

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Parham Gharavaisi – Prodigy

Iranian solo-artist Parham Gharavaisi is releasing his seventh full length in the last two years, and from what I’ve heard of the singles, it’s probably going to be hilarious.

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Conjurer – Páthos

Some heavy sludgy post-metal out of the UK. These guys have established themselves in the post-metal world and I’m curious about what they’re bringing to the table.

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In Slumber – While We Sleep

Some German melodeath that feels like a darker take on early In Flames. Curious about this one.

Leon is looking forward to Orthodox’s Proceed, Municipal Waste’s Electrified Brain, and Hulder’s The Eternal Fanfare:

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Orthodox – Proceed

Really cool avantgarde doom band from Spain. Think early Kayo Dot playing Sleep.

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Municipal Waste – Electrified Brain

Municipal Waste is truly a band that doesn’t need much explanation at all – it’s party hard crossover thrash. Brainless fun. They don’t switch up their formula much so you know what to expect.

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Hulder – The Eternal Fanfare

An awesome one-woman black metal project, chasing that new style of dungeon-synthy raw black metal and doing it better than many. Lots of folk and medieval influences. Strong recommendation.