I was able to get a short interview with the rising stars on the Italian Groove/Death Metal sky. Here are the results:
Hello, who am I “talking” with?
Hi, I’m Stefano, the band’s singer.
How did you get together? Like, who started the band and how did it evolve?
We met ourselves through our common friends in 2003, the band started with Luca (guitar) Alessio (bass) and me (vocals). Then Mauro (guitar) and Diego (drums) joined the band and we recorded the album “Resolution formula”. This is our actual line-up.
Who are the people behind “Over Dead In Over”?
We do everything by ourselves.
What are your influences?
Our influences are various, from metal to grunge, from rock to fusion and every other good music.
Where does the band name come from?
The name of the band has not a real meaning, but if you read the first letter of any word, you’ll read O.D.I.O., this word mean HATE in english.
Metallica or Slayer?
Metallica because I think is more important band.
Black Sabbath or Iron Maiden?
Black Sabbath like the real begin of metal.
Do you earn enough money by just making music or do you have “real” jobs? Which ones?
No of course! We everybody have real jobs, like agronome, train driver and coolie.
What was your best live experience?
It was during the Balkan tour in september, playing in Bosnia, Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria. Very good experience.
What are you guys listening to lately?
Every “made-good” music.
Have you any hobbies besides the music?
Yes we like cinema, photography, beer and many more.
I’d like to say a big thank you to ODIO!
Here are a couple links where you can check them out:

“The demo was better.”